


从医学院到工程学院和法学院, 我们本科课程的专业预科课程旨在为您的成功奠定基础. A pre-professional track is a series of courses taken alongside your major's required curriculum to so you'll well 准备d to the next step into your professional career. 


We are here to further the opportunities of students interested in health professions by providing individual guidance to any student, 不管专业是什么. Pre-Health students major in a variety of disciplines and may decide to pursue various fields of study after graduation, 包括, 但不限于: 


工程预科的教育途径不仅对我们的学生有吸引力, but to the engineering faculty at our partner institutions as well as prospective employers for the program graduates. 具有扎实的文科基础, students in these dual degree programs are well-准备d for engineering coursework and careers. 该课程培养学生在各种媒体上出色的沟通技巧, 通过具有挑战性的课程提高解决问题的能力, 并提供了对更广泛的社会背景的全面理解. This is achieved through the Holy Cross approach to higher education and the inclusion of humanities and social science courses in our general education curriculum.


的 pre-engineering coursework provides a strong foundation in science, mathematics, and engineering. St. 365比分网电竞 offers a variety of essential engineering courses as well as several partner programs, 包括:


华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. 在这里,学生们从圣路易大学获得数学学士学位. 和生物医学学士学位, 化学, 电, 机械, 华盛顿大学系统工程专业毕业.


An innovative 11-month entrepreneurship master's program through our sister school, Notre Dame. 


法律预科咨询课程 帮助学生培养交际能力, 分析, 以及对法律职业很重要的方法论技能. 美国律师协会不推荐任何特定的本科专业, 因为法学院几乎所有学科的学生都能被录取. 

Many students choose to major in subjects 被认为是 to be traditional preparation for law school, 比如历史, 英语, 通信, 业务, 或者政治科学. 我们建议学生探索广泛的文科教育,为法学院做准备, 研究生院, 或在公共或私营部门就业.



如果你立志从事法律或广泛的卫生专业, 有一些资源可以帮助您在连接时做出明智的决定, 探索, 准备, 并申请入读专业学校.  

你可以和你的成功导师谈谈选择专业的事, 了解研究领域和学位规划, 准备你的申请和个人陈述. 我们的职业教练将帮助您了解和驾驭研究生院的流程, 你的指导老师可以和你讨论课程内容, 度发展, 以及健康预科或法律预科的职业探索. 


的 医疗专业咨询委员会(HPAC) mentors Pre-Health students on several levels. 的 committee works closely with the Director of  职业和专业发展 to provide guidance for strategically becoming a competitive applicant, 以及对申请和面试过程的指导. Many Pre-Health professional programs strongly encourage students to receive an evaluation from their institution's HPAC. 

学生可以在申请时获得HPAC的评估信. Students typically begin their application process for professional school in their junior year. 然而, national trends indicate that students are delaying their application to professional school until their senior year of college or later, 在他们感兴趣的领域获得第一手经验之后.


以下卫生专业将是 被认为是 评价: 

  • 医疗
  • 牙科
  • 兽医
  • 医师助理
  • 验光
  • 药店

If you are not applying to any of the preceding fields, there is no need to complete an application.


HPAC 2024-2025申请

Please note: the minimum qualifications for acceptance into HPAC are truly the minimum standards expected for acceptance into a professional program. 的se minimums are far below the average level seen in candidates who successfully matriculate into their chosen program. 优秀的候选人将超过这些最低要求.


将被考虑作为HPAC的评估信, 学生必须符合以下要求:

  1. 累积绩点必须达到3分.25 at the time of application submission (if your cumulative GPA drops below this requirement during the evaluation process, 你将不再被考虑评估).
  2. BCPM(生物、化学、物理、数学)GPA必须达到3分.25 at the time of application submission (if your BCPM GPA drops below this requirement during the evaluation process, 你将不再被考虑评估).
  3. Must have earned at least 60 credit hours of college credit at the time of application submission.
  4. 必须在圣. 爱德华大学(最少15个学分)2024年春季学期结束.
  5. Must have firsthand experience in your professional field of interest (minimum of 50 hours required) at the time of application submission. 例如临床志愿服务, 阴影, 传教旅行或在诊所工作, 医院, 或者健康专家的办公室. 我们也愿意考虑 一些 现场虚拟阴影的形式,但我们不会考虑预先录制的YouTube视频.
  6. [请注意,此事件要求目前已暂停. Involvement in the pre-health community on campus is still encouraged; see below for ways to be involved.] Need to have participated in an average of four events per year (sponsored by HPAC or Pre-Health职业) since entering St. 爱德华大学,在申请年度之前. 例外情况将逐案考虑.
  7. Must have engaged in campus and/or community service/volunteerism (minimum of 30 hours required) at the time of application submission.
  8. 必须提交评估信吗. 评估人员应该对申请人有足够的了解,以便对他们进行评估, 并且可以有多种来源. 潜在的评估者可能包括工作或志愿者主管, 你跟踪的医疗保健专业人员, 大学教职员工, 等.

    现任HPAC成员 不能 提供这个评估. 2024年秋季申请周期只接受PDF格式的信件. PDF格式的信件必须直接通过电子邮件从信件作者发送到 kgoldey@i-xuan.net.

    写信的人应参考 AAMC信函写作指南 并特别注意所列出的能力(思维 & 推理,科学,人际关系,内省).


  9. If HPAC becomes aware of any unprofessional or unethical conduct during the evaluation process, 我们保留取消候选人资格的权利. 

学生必须提交填妥的申请表 不迟于2024年10月25日星期五下午5点. 我们鼓励您立即在Microsoft Word文档中开始撰写论文, 哪些可以粘贴到应用程序中. 记住,这是一个评估的过程, 一份完整的申请并不能保证面试或评估信.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that all members of the Health Professions Advisory Committee are mandatory 第九条 reporters. 因此,我们必须向圣. 365比分网电竞 any information in your application materials regarding sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 约会/关系或家庭暴力, 或者基于性别或性别表达的仇恨犯罪.

Please keep in mind that this disclaimer will also apply to your committee interviews if selected to interview.

  • HPAC评估申请将于2024年9月13日星期五之前提供 .
  • HPAC评估申请截止时间为下午5点.m. 2024年10月25日.
  • Selected candidates will be interviewed by the committee between the beginning of January and end of February of 2025.
  • 委员会在2月底/ 3月初举行会议,对所有候选人进行评估和评估.
  • 的 HPAC Chair and Faculty Liaison will meet with each student to relay areas for improvement before the letter-writing process begins.
  • 整个春季学期, 学生需要撰写和编辑多份个人陈述草稿. 在此期间,学生们还将参加入学考试.
  • 大多数情况下,专业课程的申请通常在5月初或6月开放.
  • 如果学生计划使用HPAC评估信, 他或她必须提交他们的专业课程申请 不迟于2025年6月30日,无论申请服务如何.
  • All secondary applications must be submitted within two weeks of the time they become available to students.


您之前是否完成了HPAC评估流程, 包括申请和委员会的面试?

  • 如有需要,你必须联络现任HPAC主席Katy Goldey (kgoldey@i-xuan.net),并打算申请各自的健康专业课程. 你必须通知主席 五点以前.m. 2024年12月1日.
  • 如果有必要,你可能会被要求与委员会重新面谈. 如果您没有与任何当前HPAC成员面谈,则需要填写. It is at the discretion of the Chair as to whether or not you will be asked to re-interview in other situations.
  • 你也可以 请求 重新面试,即使你之前面试过HPAC的现任成员. This is advisable if you have made substantial changes that increase your competitiveness for your program.
  • You must also submit an updated resume, and a 1 page description of your activities since leaving St. 365比分网电竞.
  • 返回申请者将在毕业后被考虑最多5年.


  • 如果是这样的话, you can submit an evaluation application to HPAC for interview consideration for up to 5 years after graduation.
  • 请注意,您的应用程序必须遵循完全相同的要求, 标准, 还有申请的在校生的截止日期.
  • 凯蒂·戈尔迪,HPAC主席,行为神经科学副教授
  • 贝卡·汤普森,化学助理教授
  • Jack Musselman,哲学副教授
  • 克莱尔·爱德华兹,生物科学助理教授
  • Donna Beuk,护理学创始主任,护理学教授
  • 凯蒂·艾伦,护理助理教授
  • 伊利亚·沃斯特,生物科学助理教授

参与St. Edward's pre-health community is strongly encouraged and can strengthen your 准备dness for health professions programs. 参与的资源包括: